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Schaman + ChatGPT: a new paradigm in Customer Service See more

Are chatbots sufficient for efficiently resolving issues in the digital channel?

In the constant pursuit of efficiency and excellence in customer service, the transformation of contact centers focuses on a key objective: ensuring that the customer has access to a digital channel with fully guaranteed self-service functionalities.

From the evolution of traditional call centers, where attention was limited to the phone, to today's contact centers that embrace a variety of digital channels such as email, Twitter, Facebook, and chats (operated by both humans and chatbots), digitization offers unprecedented opportunities. But can a chatbot automatically solve 60% of interactions in self-service channels?  

The answer is no. 

Although chatbots are effective at answering generic questions and providing basic information quickly, their limitation becomes evident when faced with more complex queries. When users encounter specific situations, the intervention of a human agent becomes crucial to ensure precise and satisfactory resolution.

What do you need to ensure self-service in digital channels?

To ensure truly efficient automated personalization, a tool is needed that addresses each client's specific queries. For this, it must be capable of connecting to your systems to access each customer's information. This way, it could automatically resolve open questions or issues for each customer in real-time with total precision.  

This type of tool not only allows you to achieve the goal of providing your customer with a digital channel with fully guaranteed self-service functionality. In the case of technical issues, it will be able to perform predictive diagnostics so that the customer does not need to provide explanations but can be resolved automatically.  

Another fundamental difference between this kind of tool with chatbots is the use of AI to identify and characterize new and potential issues, thus incorporating them into the service intelligence.

In conclusion: the combination of advanced tools like Schaman and strategic process optimization stands out as the key to successful self-service in digital channels.

The effectiveness of chatbots in ensuring a 60% resolution of queries in digital channels is limited, highlighting the need for more advanced solutions like Schaman. By connecting in real time with the client's systems, it performs automatic diagnostics and detects the root cause of interactions. Schaman's centralized logic provides a seamless experience across various channels, ensuring automated resolution of both trivial queries and complex issues. 

The speed of adoption in digital and unattended channels, coupled with easy configuration, ensures a homogeneous multichannel experience and a high degree of self-service. These digital channels not only offer effectiveness and efficiency but also drive an essential transformation in operability, balancing cost reduction with empowering agents to dedicate more time to generating value and building strong customer relationships.

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